Camp Fire River Bend | Camp Tannadoonah

Unit Leaders

We’re so glad you’re thinking about joining our leadership team. At Camp Tannadoonah we take very seriously the privilege and immense responsibility of taking care of other peoples’ children. And of taking care of those children themselves — our campers are our greatest joy and this job is ALL ABOUT THEM — the campers!

Our unit leaders help their fellow counselors be the best they can be. Unit leaders check in daily with the members of their unit (a group of 7-9 other counselors who live in the same area of camp, and work with kids in the same or similar age groups). The unit leaders also provide feedback every-other week in a more formal way, with a one-on-one meeting and a written feedback card.

Unit leaders are also regular cabin counselors – they live in a cabin with, and are responsible for, a group of 8-20 campers, between the ages of 5 and 17. They share cabin responsibilities with 2-3 other co-counselors. All counselors, including unit leaders, supervise activities with their own campers, as well as other campers. During the day, they assist in teaching activities to campers during morning and afternoon activity periods. This involves planning and facilitating the programs. Counselors also help develop and carry out evening program activities.

There are four different units in camp:

  • The Bird Yard (8 staff, working with our youngest campers, typically boys and girls ages 6-10)
  • The Back Cabins (9 staff, working with the middle and older boys, typically ages 11-15)
  • The Front Cabins (10 staff, working with the middle girls, typically ages 11-13)
  • Morris (3 counselors working with the oldest girls ages 13 and up. This unit also includes a group of international volunteers who are members of our staff team)

If you’re thinking about becoming a Unit Leader then you’re thinking about one of the toughest, most creative, most rewarding, and most demanding jobs a young person can get. And if you become one, you’ll get all the rewards that come with that — meaning valuable experience and an excellent resume point.

If you think you have what it takes to give of yourself in the pursuit of helping to nurture, inspire, and educate young campers, and to model the highest level of ethical, responsible, focused, and uplifting behavior, then camp counseling might be a perfect fit for you.

Interestingly, many qualities that it takes to be a camp counselor — long hours, selfless service, physical strength, creativity, organization, time management, self-starting, warmth, clear communication, and being a team player — are all ones that employers across the spectrum seek in their employees. To that end, being a camp counselor is a HUGE piece in what it takes to join the adult world with your budding career goals.

High Fives
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Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within