Camp Fire River Bend | Camp Tannadoonah

The Camp Fire Experience

All the staff made it a great experience for both of our girls. They loved their counselors and enjoyed being in nature with new friends. They can't wait to come back next year!

Jennifer - Camp Tannadoonah parent

One of the big reasons we send our kids to camp each year is to foster independence. We really appreciate the opportunities for them to develop their skills, and every year we see how much they have grown after a week away.

Nicole - Camp Tannadoonah parent

My kids have a great time when they stay after school, and I really appreciate the time, energy, and knowledge that goes into planning the program. They beg me not to pick them up early!

Sara - After School program parent

Why choose Camp Fire?

Camp Fire has a rich history of working with youth, and we have not strayed from the ideals set forth by our founders. We continue to believe that every youth should be given the opportunities and tools to discover who they are, become a strong leader, and contribute to their community. Our local council, Camp Fire River Bend, was founded in 1921. We offer three programs locally: summer camp at Camp Tannadoonah, and Before and After School programs at two school sites: Good Shepherd Montessori School in South Bend, IN and Sam Adams Elementary School in Cassopolis, MI. Our goal for all of our programs is to provide fun and positive environments, and foster a sense of belonging. Our positive role models and programs encourage family involvement, service to others, and promote the development of social skills for building strong youth leaders.

Our Mission

We connect young people to the outdoors, to others, and to themselves.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all young people thrive and have equitable opportunities for self-discovery, community connection, and engagement with nature.

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are. In Camp Fire it begins now. Light the Fire Within.


Our Proven Path to Youth Success

Discover sparks, gain self-confidence, and learn life-changing life skills to thrive now! Thrive{ology} is our research-based program framework founded on the pillars of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and it works:


Sparks are the things that make you come alive! What excites you, gives you energy, motivation, and purpose? It can be an activity (basketball) or a cause (social justice).


Learn to push past obstacles, take risks, believe you can learn a new skill at any time, and don’t give up. Kids and adults with a growth mindset are more successful in life.


Decide what you want to strive for and determine how to get there. Learn to adjust your plan if needed or what kind of support and accountability you want.


Find your “aha moments,” whether it’s learning from a mistake or failure, realizing why you were successful, what you like or don’t like, what you want, what you’re proud of…

Commitment to Inclusion

We welcome every kid, from every family, from every walk of life.

We take pride in our long-standing commitment to inclusivity and diversity, no matter the ability, background, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, non-religion, or any other category people use to define themselves or others.

Camp Fire was founded in 1910 by Dr. Luther Gulick and his wife Charlotte Gulick, as the first nonsectarian, multicultural organization for girls in America. Today we strive to continue in that spirit and welcome everyone to Camp Fire.

Camp Fire's Statement of Inclusion: Camp Fire works to realize the dignity and worth of each individual and to eliminate human barriers based on all assumptions that prejudge individuals. Designed and implemented to reduce sexual, racial, religious, and cultural stereotypes and to foster positive intercultural relationships, in Camp Fire, everyone is welcome.

See our former National HQ President and CEO Cathy Tisdale’s 2012 piece in The New York Times, It Pays to Be Inclusive.

Learn More

Board of Directors

Year Round Council Staff

Annual Reports

Financial Reports

Council History



Our Programs

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within