Cabins are assigned based on the age and gender of the campers. All cabins are separated by gender, and we try to have no more than 3 grades in the same room or section of a cabin. For instance, Robins might have 1st and 2nd grade boys, while Woodpeckers might have 3rd and 4th grade boys. Sometimes because of the proportions of age groups or camper bunk-mate requests, there is some mixing of age groups (e.g., a few 2nd graders might end up in the 3rd and 4th grade room, or a few 3rd graders might end up in the 1st and 2nd grade room).
We have 9 camper cabins in camp, and during a typical week there are 4 boys’ cabins and 5 girls’ cabins in use. Each cabin is a different size and configuration, but we try to make sure the youngest campers are in the buildings that have electricity and bathrooms in the cabin. However, sometimes the proportions of boys and girls registered, and age distributions of campers force us to switch cabins around (for instance, during weeks when there are more boys than girls, or when there is a larger than usual number of older campers). You can read more about the cabins and facilities here.
We do not know cabin assignments until the night before campers arrive for a particular session of camp, because there are usually late registrations or cancellations. We will tell you your camper's cabin assignment when you arrive at check in.