Fall Program Registration Opens Soon

Registration for all 3 of our Before and After School Programs will open soon! Families who were registered for the 2023-2024 school year will receive an email as soon as the registration site is open.
New Registration System
We’ve switched to a new registration system this year. We’ve done a lot of testing, and hopefully have most of the quirks figured out. If you run into any problems, please email us at info@riverbendcampfire.org and we’ll help get them sorted out. We appreciate your patience as we switch over to a new system.
We are excited about some of the features of the new system! Here are some things we think will make this a better registration system for our families:
- You can edit your students’ regular weekly schedules in the registration system.
- The registration system will show how many spots are available for each program, and will automatically create waitlists when the slots fill up.