Camp Fire River Bend | Camp Tannadoonah

Other Programs and Activities

There are a variety of other activities that take place at camp throughout the week, and do not require any registration. These include our nightly song circle, Monday night cookout, daily Free Swim, Polar Bear Swims, morning and afternoon Trading Post, and more. These activities are part of the daily and weekly schedule at camp, but do not require any registration or sign up in advance.

Other Activity Descriptions


Our youngest campers at Camp Tannadoonah get to take part in special “Sparks” activities. The Sparks’ leader will plan a schedule of activities to keep campers busy and entertained throughout the week. Sparks campers have the opportunity to participate in all regular camp activities, and are guided in their choices by the Sparks instructors. All campers 8 and under are automatically signed up for Sparks.

Evening Activity

Every night (except Monday – that’s cabin night) we plan a whole-camp evening activity. On Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, this is usually a large-group game or event, such as Capture the Flag, Carnival, Dice Game (a sort of scavenger hunt), an Amazing Race-style event, Relay Races, One Way Street (silly variations on typical camp games with a Kangaroo Court), Water Relays, a Talent Show, and many others.

Thursday night is Camper Council night, where a council of representatives from each cabin chooses the evening activity. Friday night is our Council Fire, the traditional Camp Fire Closing Ceremony for the week.

Song Circle and Campfire

Every evening after evening activity (except Monday – that’s cabin night) we gather around a campfire to sing camp songs for about 30 minutes. It serves as both a winding-down time, cabin bonding time, and gives kids an opportunity to sing and dance to traditional (and new) camp songs. Please note: This is NOT “chapel” or religious time.

Trading Post

Campers may visit the Phair Trading Post every morning during morning free swim. The Trading Post sells items such as camp journals, camp water bottles, backpacks, stuffed animals, flashlights, batteries, bug spray, envelopes and stamps, post cards, wristbands, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, pens and pencils. During morning Trading Post time, candy / snacks / drinks are NOT available for purchase (it’s right before lunch!).

Campers / parents may make a deposit at the Trading Post upon arrival to camp. Campers are not allowed to carry cash at camp, so this Trading Post deposit is the only spending money they will have during the week. We recommend a Trading Post deposit of $25-$50, but the deposit is not mandatory. Trading Post deposits may be created during check in using cash or credit. We do not accept checks at the store.

All campers will receive one sweet treat or snack item at the afternoon Trading Post time (after rest hour). Sweet treats include ice cream, popsicles, candy, and sodas. They may also get a bottle of water, a non-sweet treat (such as pretzels, granola, or cheez-its), or a package of trading cards. There is no extra charge for these items (they are included in the camp fee).


Every camper participates in our Monday night cookout and Cabin Night with their cabin. Each cabin is assigned a fire site, and given a basket of supplies, and they go out and cook their own dinner over the fire. Cookout dinners include Walking Tacos, Campfire Stew, Hot Dogs, Pizza Breads, and always include S'Mores for dessert. After cookout, each cabin plans their own Cabin Night activity to spend time with and bond with their cabin.

Polar Bear Swim

Campers can opt to get up each morning 30 minutes before reveille (7am) to take a dip in the cool waters of Birch Lake. Campers who attend Polar Bear every morning throughout the week receive a special treat at breakfast on Saturday morning, and are eligible to purchase a Camp Tannadoonah Polar Bear Club T-shirt at the camp store. Campers must be at least 10 years old to participate.

Lake Swim

On Saturday morning each week, a brave group of early-bird campers gets up at 5:30am to swim all the way across Birch Lake (approximately 1000 yards!). Campers who wish to do the lake swim must qualify for an intermediate or advanced swim band (see swim test info here), and demonstrate their endurance by swimming 500 yards during a free swim prior to Saturday morning. Lake Swim t-shirts are available for purchase in the camp store for those who complete this extraordinary feat!

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