Register for Camp T 2023!

Camp Registration for 2023 is now open!
Sign Up Early to Save
Registration for Camp Tannadoonah 2023 is now available! In 2022, many of our camp sessions were full and had a waitlist, so it’s a good idea to sign up early for next year to make sure you get a spot in the session(s) you want. The early bird discounts are valid until November 30.
New Registration System
We’ve switched to a new registration system this year. We’ve done a lot of testing, and hopefully have most of the quirks figured out. If you run into any problems, please email us at and we’ll help get them sorted out. The health forms are NOT yet available in the registration system; we will send out notices to all registered campers when those are available. We appreciate your patience as we switch over to a new system.
We are excited about some of the features of the new system! Here are some things we think will make this a better registration system for our families:
- You will be able to make your camper’s trading post deposit online, and monitor their store balance while they’re at camp.
- You can edit your camper’s activities yourself.
- Everything will be in one place. The one-way parent-to-camper email will be in this system, and so will the photo gallery.
- It’s much more mobile-friendly.
Credit Card Payments
We wanted to get registration up and available as quickly as possible, so right now you can register and pay your deposit with an ACH (bank transfer). Or you can check the box on the payment screen that says “pay by check,” and we can take a credit card over the phone, or you can mail a check. The integrated credit card processing *should* be functional by next week, if you want to wait a few days for it. Don’t worry – we have not filled up sessions before the Early Bird ends in the past.

2023 Dates, Themes, & Activities
2023 Calendar with Dates & Themes
2023 Specialty Activities Schedule
Learn about how activities work at camp.
Please email us if you have any questions!
Early Bird Discounts
If you register and pay the deposit by November 30, 2022 you will automatically receive the early bird discount for each session. This year’s discounts are $25 off regular overnight sessions, $35 off Super Week, $15 off Mini Week, $10 off day camp sessions, and $50 off CIT sessions.
Other Discounts
Check out our discounts page for all of the discounts offered this year. There are sibling discounts, and multiweek discounts available.
Tell Your Friends
Don’t forget that you earn credits every time you refer a new camper, so start talking to your friends about what you love most about Camp Tannadoonah!
If you have any questions, please contact Miss Gabby via email or by calling 574-387-6095.